Selfie animal

Discover your level of emotional intelligence

Do you dare?

Question 1/5

If you checked your partner’s phone and found suspicious messages about a possible infidelity, you would:


Cheat with one of his/her friends or with my ex.


Call them out and hope for a chance to kick this other person’s butt.


I’d rather not go through their phone, trust is key.

Question 2/5

You are travelling on a plane and there is turbulence, the plane is rocking from side to side, you:


Remain calm because I know it happens and I am in no danger.


I have no idea how I would react, I’ve never been on a similar situation.


I listen carefully to the crew’s instructions while I read the emergency guidelines.

Question 3/5

You find out one of your friends is consuming questionable substances and is already facing addiction issues, you:


Talk to them and try to find them some therapy.


Tell everybody I know, I can’t keep my mouth shut.


Ignore the situation, I have enough problems and don’t need one more.

Question 4/5

You are a sales person responsible for finding new clients but 15 people have already hung up the phone on you. What do you do?


I give up for the day hoping tomorrow I’ll be luckier.


I re-evaluate my sales pitch and try to improve it.


I quit, I’m not cut out for this.

Question 5/5

You and your friend are arguing and you begin to insult each other. You:


Remain silent, nothing can be said to fix the situation at this point.


I put an end to the argument and later on discuss it with better points.


I apologyize to them and ask them to do the same.

Selfie animal

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Selfie animal

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Selfie animal

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Selfie animal

Wow! Excellent, your emotional intelligence is very high!

You have great empathy and sensitivity, something that allows you to manage emotions and make conscious decisions.

You can also see the positive side under any circumstance, which improves your quality of life and those around you.

High EQ Over 130
Average EQ 90 - 130
Low EQ Less than 90


This test was developed based on the theories of the psychologist and Harvard professor Daniel Goleman, founder of the E.Q. concept (Emotional Quoeficient). Our EQ level is what allows us to make the most appropriate decisions in our personal and professional lives. Some work teams use this test model to evaluate the emotional intelligence of people for every vacancy. The test includes 7 questions and it takes less than 5 minutes to complete it.

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